Hjælp til dig til at lykkes med at lave fyldte chokolader

Lær at lave fyldte chokolader. ”FYLDTE CHOKOLADER – en praktisk guide” er den ultimative bog om at lave hjemmelavede fyldte chokolader. Opskrifter på fyldte chokolader.

CHOCOLATE BONBONS - a practical guide (engelsk version)

330,00 kr.
54 anmeldelser
Varenummer: 002


Den ultimative guide til fyldte chokolader: Fra usikkerhed til succes

Umiddelbart efter dit køb modtager du en e-mail med et link til download af e-bogen CHOCOLATE BONBONS - a practical guide.

At opnå en perfekt chokoladetemperering hver gang er essentielt for at lave fyldte chokolader og chokoladebarer, der ikke kun smager fantastisk, men også er smukke at se på og har det åh så eftertragtede knæk. Men at mestre temperering får dig ikke helt i mål; du skal også lave fyld med lang holdbarhed og sikre, at dine fyldte chokolader skinner smukt. Begge dele kan virke overvældende.

Fra de finere detaljer ved chokoladetemperering til udfordringerne ved at skabe langtidsholdbare fyld med masser af smag, og frustrationen ved fyldte chokolader, der sidder fast i formene eller mangler shine – det kan være meget at håndtere. Men du ved sikkert allerede, at nøglen til at skabe smukke, lækre fyldte chokolader er at mestre disse teknikker. Og i øvrigt er det da vist på tide, at du også begynder at nyde processen.

Og jeg kan hjælpe dig med at gøre det muligt allerede i dag.

Uanset om du er helt ny inden for fyldte chokolader, allerede har prøvet at lave fyldte chokolader et par gange, men er stødt på udfordringer, eller om du er erfaren og ønsker at ”upgrade dine chokoladeskills”, vil e-bogen CHOCOLATE BONBONS - a practical guide hjælpe dig med at opnå gode resultater - hver gang - tage dine chokoladeskills til næste niveau.


  • At temperere chokolade med selvtillid, velvidende at dine resultater vil være perfekte hver gang.
  • At skabe lækre fyld med perfekt tekstur, der har en holdbarhed på to måneder, så du ikke behøver at bekymre dig om, hvorvidt de kan holde sig friske.
  • At slå fyldte chokolader med perfekt shine ud af formene - med lethed og hver eneste gang.
  • At eksperimentere med farvet kakaosmør og airbrushing-teknikker for at skabe fantastiske, farverige designs på dine fyldte chokolader, der imponerer alle, der ser (og smager) dem.
  • At dekorere dine fyldte chokolader med lethed ved hjælp af trin-for-trin guides til både simple og avancerede designs, så du kan udfolde din kreativitet fuldt ud.
  • At føle dig sikker med airbrushen, et værktøj der måske virkede skræmmende i starten. Min vejledning vil hjælpe dig med at håndtere airbrushen med lethed, så din tidligere tøven forsvinder som dug for solen, mens du hygger dig med at skabe smukke effekter på dine fyldte chokolader.
  • At vide præcis, hvordan du rengør dine forme og udstyr, så de altid er i topstand og giver det bedste grundlag for at lykkes med at skabe smukke fyldte chokolader.
  • At have al den information, du har brug for om opbevaring og holdbarhed, så dine fyldte chokolader forbliver friske og lækre.
  • At få anbefalinger om det bedste udstyr og de bedste ingredienser, så du altid er forberedt på den bedst mulige måde.
  • At drage fordel af praktiske tips til hver eneste del af processen, så du sparer tid og undgår de typiske faldgruber.
  • Og meget meget mere.

Det her? Er præcis, hvad du vil opnå, når du dykker ned i CHOCOLATE BONBONS - a practical guide

Denne 147-siders e-bog er fyldt med alt, hvad du behøver for at mestre kunsten at lave smukke og lækre fyldte chokolader.

Alle fyld har en holdbarhed på mindst 2 måneder. Dog kan et par fyld (Passionsfrugtganache og Rabarber/ingefærganache) miste noget af deres smagsintensitet efter 1 måned. Derfor er den generelle holdbarhed af fyldet i e-bogen angivet som 1-2 måneder. Men ingen af fyldene i e-bogen vil blive dårlige efter 1 måned.

P.S.: E-bogen er i PDF-format, så den fungerer perfekt, uanset om du foretrækker at læse den på en smartphone, pc, tablet eller at printe den ud på almindeligt papir.

Ud over de 24 forskellige fyld i e-bogen får du også min opdaterede opskrift på karamel: Crunchy Salted Caramel 2.0.

Denne e-bog er din vej til at skabe smukke fyldte chokolader med fantastisk smag, perfekt tekstur og lang holdbarhed. Den er løsningen, der hjælper dig med at få succes med at lave fyldte chokolader, som du vil være stolt af at servere.

Jeg har lagt mit hjerte i denne e-bog, brugt næsten et år på at teste og perfektionere hver eneste detalje, og alt i e-bogen er bakket op af mere end ti års erfaring med chokolade. Jeg tror virkelig, at dette er den bedste ressource for dig, der vil lære at lave fyldte chokolader.

Men i øvrigt: Der er nul risiko for dig ved at købe e-bogen i dag. Hvis du af en eller anden grund ikke elsker CHOCOLATE BONBONS - a practical guide, så giv mig besked inden for 7 dage, og jeg refunderer dine penge - uden spørgsmål.

Jeg er sikker på, at du med denne e-bog i hånden vil tage dine chokolader til et helt nyt niveau, og jeg glæder mig til at se, hvad du skaber!


Føj til kurv

E-book about making chocolate bonbonsE-book regarding the making of chocolate bonbonsHow to fix chocolate tempering issuesColourful chocolate bonbonsHow to colour chocolate bonbonsPiping filling in chocolate shellsHow to scrape the polycarbonate chocolate mouldWater Activity (AW) in a ganacheDesigns for colourful chocolate bonbonsDesign techniques for colouring chocolate pralinesGalaxy design for chocolate bonbons and pralinesRecipe for pistachio ganache


Baseret på 54 anmeldelser
3. aug. 2024

La maison des Délices
L’excellence pour amateurs et professionnels
Livre à avoir absolument, ce livre est très bien écrit, même la traduction est bien faite pour ceux qui hésitent encore 😊
J’ai déjà 3 livres et j’espère pouvoir en avoir d’autres N'hésitez pas à la suivre sur les réseaux sociaux 🥰
J’espère qu’un jour on pourra se rencontrer 😊🤗
31. jul. 2024

clive hollyoak
great addition to my chocolate library
just buy it ,, you wont regret it
31. jul. 2024

This has become my bible since I started making chocolates, it is easy to follow, well written…and has so much knowledge…I live in australia and found down loading this ebook so easy
31. jul. 2024

This is amazing book. Its very helpfull and easy to understand. Book is full of information, what i havent even thought earlier. Love love this e-book
13. jun. 2024

Chris Thoya
An eye opener
I never thought I will come across such information,so detailed and guiding.Through this e book am ready to face anything when it comes to chocolate.
5. maj. 2024

Bettina Eggers
Crazy about chocolates
I often create from this book and I'm crazy about chocolates...it's super informative!!! Thanks
4. maj. 2024

Useful books that are worth buying. I loved them
4. maj. 2024

Ann Dunning
Bon Bon’s
Exceptional e-book. Great illustrations / very easy to follow instructions - very well written and easy to follow guides - great recipes. Highly recommend. Ann x
4. maj. 2024

Best purchase I've made
This e-book has been invaluable to me. When I first started my chocolate journey it was frustrating as I'd be getting different bits of information here and there and not necessarily the right information either. This book taught me in a linear way and covered everything. I'm so happy purchased it. The recipes are fantastic too! All my bon bons come out perfect now. Thanks for the wonderful book!
1. maj. 2024

Sumalisa Ben
Very informative
I really liked the book, it’s very informative and has so many recipes that are very easy to make.
1. maj. 2024

Amazing Resource
This book has been such a great resource for me! When I first started to experiment with chocolate, I was reading so many different websites, books, and resources and was not finding them helpful. (information overload)
And then I discovered this e-book! It has been a game changer! It is so well written and so easy to understand. There is the information as well as the science behind it! And the recipes that come with it are AMAZING!!
Could not recommend this book more! 5 STARS! If I could give it 6 I would :)
1. maj. 2024

clive hollyoak
brilliant,, full of info ,,,,if your serious about chocolate ,this is the book for you ..well recommended
1. maj. 2024

This books was so help full, so full of information and easy to understand.
1. maj. 2024

Fantastic Reference Guide For Making Bonbons!!
Tine’s E-book has all the important and relevant information you will need to start making bonbons. She also shares the information in a way that is very straight forward, organized and easy to understand, which I love!!
24. apr. 2024

rosalyn hunt
A wonderful book full of all the information you need to start making bonbons!
18. feb. 2024

Great purchase
I find delight in perusing the assortment of e-recipes in the electronic chocolate bonbons cookbook. The recipes are straightforward to follow, ensuring a seamless cooking experience that culminates in a delectable and satisfying outcome that never disappoints.
8. feb. 2024

Mónica Patrignani
Excelente guia
Este libro es excelente tanto para quienes tenemos un poquito de experiencia con el chocolate como para principiantes. La forma de explicar, me encanta. Como mi idioma madre es el español, me tocó ir traduciendolo.
21. jan. 2024

Fantastic Resource
I absolutely love this e-book. It is full of so much detailed information that has helped me improve my chocolate making tremendously. The recipes are fantastic too. I would not hesitate to recommend this book. I think its great value for money and I will definitely buy other e-books from Tine.
20. jan. 2024

Jenn Luke
Informative and well written
I cannot recommend this book enough! I am a hobbyist chocolatier who has taken professional courses in the past. I've found Chocolate Bonbons to be the most well written and organized “go to” source for instruction and inspiration. Tine explains the processes in clear terms and has taught me additional tips and tricks to take my chocolate to a new level. I incorporated some of the included colour instruction and recipes into my Christmas chocolates and received rave reviews from the recipients. I have her other books as well and can't wait for the new chocolate bar instalment!
20. jan. 2024

I have so enjoyed the purchase of this book it is full of knowledge I’m just about every subject in making a chocolate. I’ve recommended it to another friend who is going to purchase it also, I’ve been able to find all my supplies here quite readily. I’m looking forward to making all the recipes but I also purchased the book on no airbrush needed and that one I have put fully to the test and love l
20. jan. 2024

Deane Young
Such a Help
While I have been making bonbons for a while, I have never gone beyond transfer sheets and luster dust for decoration. Now I am ready to take the next step, thanks to this comprehensive ebook.
20. jan. 2024

Ali Emilova
The best
The book is very good. This is my money best invested. Processes, techniques and everything else are described in an understandable way. And the recipes are the best. The book is the Bible in my kitchen. Thanks Tina.
20. jan. 2024

Great Books!
Although all the books are great, I think the book Chocolate Chocolates - A Practical Guide is the most important book. It is about the basics, techniques and tips with which you can start making your first chocolates successfully. Even if English is not your native language, the books are easy to follow.
20. jan. 2024

Annie Lavoie
"Just wow!

I bought two e-books. I love the way the e-books are made, they are clear and very precise. The steps are precise and the recipes are so good and easy to make! Bravo from Quebec, Canada."
20. jan. 2024

Mervi Suni
This book is ole of the Best books on chocolate handling and candy making. All components and their use are clearly explained. Many thanks to the authorof the book ❤️.
20. jan. 2024

Bettina Eggers
Chocolate Bonbons
Hello, I really like the book. The individual steps are very simple and well described!!! Unfortunately, my English isn't that good and I still have to translate everything into German, but this means I deal very intensively with each individual topic.
Thank you very much and kind regards from Lüneburg. Bettina Eggers
17. jan. 2024

Very good !
Very good introduction to making bon bons. Well explained and illustrated. Good recepies for filling. Recommended e-book for new beginners. Worth the money 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
16. jan. 2024

Nevena Pinkova
Great book
The book that organized all the information from courses and lectures in my head! Written in an accessible and organized way, easy for use and quick reference, clear and precise. I recommend the book to anyone, who wants to systematize their knowledge. The recipes are accurate and very tasty. Great book!
16. jan. 2024

Maurilio Suzumura
Very Instructive
The book is written in a simple way, helping everyone to understand the instructions. The book covers an extensive range of topics and there are a lot o charts summing up the content of the chapters which are very pratical!
16. jan. 2024

Heidi Christiansen
Super god bog
En super god bog om alt fra a til z vedr. fremstilling af chokolade
20. nov. 2023

Great E Book
Lovely e-book full of technique and great recipes. Very easy to follow instructions. You can't go wrong getting this e-book.
23. okt. 2023

It's a wonderful book with many ideas, tips and tricks and lots of varied recipes. If you buy it you won't be disappointed.
22. okt. 2023

Anja Rosenau
Ein guter Start
Gerade für Anfänger stellen sich früher oder später einige Fragen. Gut, wenn man wie hier nachlesen kann. Oder einfach noch einmal Wissen vertiefen kann. Gute Rezepte sind ebenfalls vertreten. Und das ganze Wissen erhält man hier zu einem guten Preis. Viele weitere Infos gibt es auf der Homepage oder Social Media ergänzend dazu.
21. okt. 2023

Chocolate bonbons - practical guide
Very useful book, full of theory and recipes. You can find in book lot of painting tips for moulds as well - airbrush and non-airbrush. Very nice desription of ganache formulation and temerin troubleshooting. It is very good source of information for a great value. It's worth a money. The book exceeded my expectations!
21. okt. 2023

Kathy Para
Useful book
Definitely a useful book for beginners. Detailed explanations and good creative direction. Recipes are simple and easy to follow. No issues with English translation which is helpful.
21. okt. 2023

Très bon ebook, facilement compréhensible et recettes faciles à réaliser. Bien détaillé dans la technique.
21. okt. 2023

Everything you need to know!
I’ve spent a lot of money taking online classes and purchasing numerous resources to learn about making bonbons but none are as thorough and easy to follow as this ebook! It’s the only resource you need if you want to learn how to make bonbons! It explains in great detail the process of working with chocolate, how to decorate and use molds correctly, and how to create beautiful bonbons in a thorough and easy to follow way. It includes delicious fillings recipes too! Whether you’re a beginner or experienced at working with chocolate, this is a go-to resource for you to understand how to work with colored cocoa butter to make beautiful and shiny designs, how to work with chocolate and every aspect that impacts your finished product. I’ve also purchased some of the other ebooks that are equally resourceful. I highly recommend it for anyone!!
21. okt. 2023

Gonzalo Serna
THE review 😎
You want to learn how to make bonbons from A to Z this is the book for you super easy well explained perfect for beginners and for those like me who already have some knowledge on how to tempter chocolate and there’s some super tasty bonbons recipes ( whispering ) the coconut Malibu is awesome 😉
Not only she give you all the technicalities of different parts from tempering to how to make your own cocoa butter but she also give you good advise and recommendations based on her own experience like the kind of Equipements to use and all that for such a cheap price!
Basically you can’t go wrong with this book 😁 so get it get it ! 🙂 ( whispering again )
I also got the summer desserts Ebook
21. okt. 2023

Very good book
This book is very intersting, clear and complete.
I bought it in english, it was easy to understand.
21. okt. 2023

Virgenie de Blaauw
Mijn favoriete handleiding!
Een goed boek waarin duidelijk de kennis en ervaringen van met het werken met chocolade wordt uitgelegd en gedeeld. Duidelijke taal en stap voor stap wordt je meegenomen in het proces van bonbons maken. Mijn favoriete handleiding om bonbobs te maken met mooie recepten voor de vele verschillende vullingen.
Bedankt voor het delen van je kennis.
19. okt. 2023

Hanne Nielsen
Den perfekte guide.
Tines ebøger er så næm at gå igang med, da jeg starte op fuldte jeg den trin for trin og de 2 jeg har bliver brugt flittigt også da de altid er lige ved hånden, kan kun anbefales.
18. okt. 2023

Detailed Information and Great Recipes
Tine makes it so easy to understand everything you need to know to make amazing bonbons! Her recipes are easy to follow and all the ones I have tried so far have been delicious!
18. okt. 2023

Worth every cent
A lot of fantastic tips in here. Such a great ebook, highly recommend to anyone wanting to dive into the world of bonbons but may feel a little intimidated.
18. okt. 2023

The BEST guide for experienced and new chocolatiers
I love this book! You simply can’t get better guidance and recipes for this fantastic price. Tine’s explanations and pictures are super helpful, whether you’re first starting out or have worked with chocolate for years, like I have. She explains in detail and with photos everything from tempering to decorating to filling and capping. It’s all there. If you are looking for max shine with tantalizing centers, this is you book!
18. okt. 2023

Thank you
I really liked the book, I got a lot of useful information and important advice. the fillings are very tasty. this book is useful for a beginner
18. okt. 2023

Billnäs Chocolate Factory Oy
Most comprehensive e- book on chocolate bonbons
This is the best e-book on chocolate I have found. It covers just about every subject one needs to know about making chocolate bonbons and chocolate in general. The book also has many good tips covering subjects from mould cleaning to shelf life issues.
A large range of recipes completes this nice work. It's a must for anyone wanting to improve on their bonbons quality and techniques.
18. okt. 2023

The best book about bonbons
I am a beginner into the chocolate world, but I did read many, many books about it. Most of them very well known ones. I must say that this book is the best one among everything that I read about bonbons. The information is very clear and useful. This book answered all of my questions and the first time I tried to temper chocolate and make colored bonbons was a real success.
18. okt. 2023

David vial
J’adore 🥰
Je suis français et je débute dans la fabrication de chocolats, ce livre m’a donné toutes les clefs pour la réussite, même après traduction, il est super bien expliqué, toutes les techniques et astuces sont présentes, ce livre est très ludique et à portée de main pour toutes personnes voulant se lancer dans la fabrication de chocolats, je le recommande à tous le monde, je l’ai même partagé sur mes réseaux sociaux,
Tine, tu es à l’écoute et c’est très agréable continue comme ça 🤗🥰merci
10. aug. 2023

Mónica Patrignani
Excelente libro, muy completo y super bien explicado.
20. maj. 2023

First i want to thank you for the delicious recipes and the amazing techniques, i had done most of the recipes and i liked all, i had used your tempering technique and it was really easy.
23. apr. 2023

Sheila Power
Numerous tips…
Tine, thank you for such a great step by step book. Lots of tips and tricks. Looking forward to next chocolate time to incorporate new things I have learned. Book is very thought out, like you recorded every step along the process and left nothing out. Great for beginners, great for those already working in chocolate-offering new tips/tricks. Only half way through book, but loving it!! Thank you
14. dec. 2022

Roxy & Rich - colorants
Must have!
This is an amazing e-book that will teach you, step by step, how to create stunning (and delicious) chocolate bonbons. It is so well done that we think it should be a printed book!
25. nov. 2022

Just looking at what will be in this E-book has me excited!! The chocolates in the pictures on Instagram are beautiful.
30. sep. 2022

Monika Bachmann
Chocolate Bonbons - a practical quide (engelsk version)
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